About the Book

Messianic Prophecies Cross-Examined

How Do The Messianic Claimants Fulfill The Jewish Holy Scriptural Prophecies For The Office Of Messiah?

Had Caiaphas and Pontius Pilate not been biased, Jesus would have never been found guilty of blaspheming by Caiaphas nor sedition by Pontius Pilate, Numerous “Wow! I never knew that!” moments abound in this easily digestible book, which is also ingeniously sincere, accurately biblical, and genuinely uplifting.

Loujan Jubin Matin has compiled 32 prophecies from the Jewish Holy Scriptures about the First coming of Messiah and juxtaposed them against the biography of Jesus and two other messianic claimants.

He derived 32 questions from the thirty-two prophecies. He created a scenario in which, utilizing these questions Sanhedrin council would pose their questions to Jesus and the other two claimants. The answers they gave are based on the biographies he collected and chronologically assembled from the King James Bible and other reputable sources for the other two claimants.

Jesus generally remined silent throughout interrogation in His infamous Sanhedrin trial. As the author of Messianic Prophecies Cross-Examined, in a familiar court setting, Loujan functions as Jesus’ defense council.

After two-thousand years of silence, and guilty verdict, Jesus’ defense energetically responds, and pushes back against the cross-examinations posed by the Sanhedrin’s chief opposing council, Caiaphas.

Al though Jesus’ defense is fully aware of God’s irrevocable decree regarding Jesus’ crucifixion, he does everything within his power to exonerate and prove Jesus’ innocence. Next, the defense establishes that Jesus was the long-awaited promised King of Jews, the Messiah.

Initially, this book was written as a thesis by Loujan to obtain his MTS master’s in theological studies. His one-on-one advisor emailed him, “you are blessed for writing this paper, and whoever who reads it is also blessed…”

This paper was not written to change the course of Scriptural events chronicled in the King James Bible. But, an attempt to implement 1 John 4:1, “Beloveds, believe not every spirit, but [try] the spirits whether they are [of God:] because many false prophets are gone out into the world.”

With editorial formatting, and grammatical changes, the authenticity of the conclusion arrived at in his thesis is preserved in the “Messianic Prophecies, Cross-Examined.”